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A luxurious bar of goat's milk soap with strong scents of peppermint and slight hints of pine. A staple to have on my kitchen counter this time of year. Our bars are super mositurizing and nondrying unlike many other options for soap. 


We hand-milk our Nigerian Dwarf goats for their exceptional quality of milk to use in our soaps. Goat's milk is packed with nutrients for your skin. It is especially beneficial ical for those with sensitive skin and skin conditions. But it is also wonderful for anyone wanting healthy soft skin. Goat's milk contains vitamin A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, amino acids and enzymes. The PH level in goat's milk is the closest to human skin and is why our skin recognizes it, and allows the nutrients to absorb so easily.


Ingredients: Raw goat's milk from our herd**, Coconut oil*, Shea butter*, Castor oil*, Olive oil*, Sweet almond oil, Pasture raised lard**, French green clay, Essential oils of peppermint* and pine needle.


** Indicates the ingredient was grown/raised here.

* Indicates the ingredient is Certified Organic.

Peppermint + Pine Goat's Milk Soap

$10.00 Regular Price
$7.00Sale Price
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